SunBlaster High Output LED Strip Light


The SunBlaster High Output LED Strip Light is designed to maximize performance, economy & longevity. Best possible lighting for Indoor Horticultural applications.

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SunBlaster High Output LED Strip Light

The SunBlaster High Output LED Strip Light is designed to maximize overall performance, economy and extend longevity. It’s the best possible lighting for all Indoor Horticultural applications. SunBlaster’s world-class team of lighting experts have completed the task of creating the finest Horticultural LED strip lighting available for today’s Indoor Growing Enthusiasts and Professionals.

Utilizes Self-Cooling Technology to create the most advanced Horticultural lighting available today. Self-Cooling Technology allowed SunBlaster Lighting engineers to push the lighting output to the desired levels without creating unwanted heat, or wasting valuable electronic resources running cooling fans or other unwanted devices.

Shop all SunBlaster products here. Watch the exclusive full assembly guide of the Sublaster Grow Light Garden here

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Light Color Temperature


Light Technology


Light Type

LED Strips

Bulk Quantity


Light Size

12", 18", 24", 36", 48"


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