XXXTractor Heavy Duty Washing Bag

XXXTractor wash bags are fully assembled in Canada which are used for oil extraction, trichome extraction, and other herbal extraction purposes

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XXXTractor wash bags are fully assembled in Canada. The mesh and zipper are of the finest quality. These wash bags are tough and durable, earning the nickname, the “Ice Master”. These wash bags are to be used in combination with standard washing machines for a bigger payload. Our bags can be used for oil extraction, trichome extraction, and other herbal extraction purposes.


  • Handles 250 grams of dry plant matter per bag
  • Trichome yield of 12 to 25 grams per bag (5 to 10% of dry plant matter)
  • Suggested 3 to 4 wash bags
Additional Items Needed
  • Washing Machine
  • 1 Set of 14-Gallon 3-Bag System and a Bucket
  • Approximately 4 Bags of Ice per Extraction (more or less)
  • Paper Towels