Grotek Final Flush Regular


Grotek Final Flush Regular is formulated to remove excess salt from growing media to ensure a cleaner tasting harvest.


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Grotek Final Flush Regular

Flushing with water only removes dissolved nutrients, whereas Grotek Final Flush Regular contains powerful solubilizers that liquify and remove precipitated and absorbed nutrients.

To address nutrient imbalance or salt accumulation, apply Final Flush mixture liberally to the top of the container and allow any excess solution to drain out the bottom. Repeat a second time if necessary and then wait one week before resuming a regular feeding program.

Plants tend to absorb excess nutrients and store them in plant tissues. By purging nutrients from the root zone, plants are forced to convert accumulated salts into secondary metabolites that improve harvest quality. The result is a top quality harvest with the flavor and aroma you expect.

Final Flush is available in Regular (unscented), Grapefruit, Green Apple, Pina Colada, Blueberry, and Strawberry.

How to Use:

Application Rate: 1L makes 500L of solution

  • Observe for visible signs of excess fertilizer salts such as the appearance of a white, powdery residue on the surface of the growing medium
  • Use 2 tsp of Final Flush per 5 qt (10 ml / 5 L) of water
  • Safe to use while plants are growing or between crops


  • Add Final Flush mixture to pure water in the nutrient reservoir and run the system for about one hour

Soil/Soilless/Water Culture:

  • Salt Accumulation: Apply Final Flush mixture liberally to the top of the container and allow any excess solution to drain out the bottom
  • Repeat a second time if necessary and then wait one week before resuming a regular feeding program
  • Prior to Harvest: Use mixture 7-10 days before harvest, to remove unnecessary fertilizer salts and fertilizer flavors
Derived From:

Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid

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